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People and Planet > Profit

Your order makes a difference in our world. If there’s one thing many of our suppliers have in common, it's that making a difference comes before making a profit. This is a bold and important evolution in the way we view success. ​

It starts with being better for our world. Perhaps it comes with the wisdom of experience. We’ve been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years and have seen first hand the impact of a profit-first mindset. We simply cannot keep doing business considering the impact it has on the environment. Our generation created the deficit on the planet. It’s up to us to lead the way in not just levelling off, but reversing the impact.

At Concierge Connection, we work with suppliers and manufacturers that prioritize sustainability and giving back within their mission.​

We’ve carefully curated our list of suppliers to ensure that some of your dollars are going toward projects that support local communities and the preservation of our planet. Each company is proudly involved in either care for communities, landfill reduction, fair trade business, zero waste initiatives, environmental work, or a combination of these.

Want to read some good news today? Click this link and learn about how Basse Nuts is fighting world hunger, how Pacific Bottleworks is providing clean water to impoverished villages, or how Mclean Meats helps those in need find emergency shelter.

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